Judi & David Bergeron

About Beauport Hearing Care

With deep personal knowledge and experience of hearing loss, we share what works for us in our daily lives.  We help patients improve comfort and communication in social settings, increase success with using hearing assistive technology, and make life easier.  In addition, our pioneering method integrates coaching, communication strategies, brain fitness and other services.  Moreover, this means a world of difference for many with hearing loss who are not currently succeeding with treatment.

Judith A Bergeron, BC-HIS, CDP is a patient first. And she is a hearing health care professional second. She lost her hearing suddenly in her left ear when she was 11 years old. Physicians performed radical mastoid surgery to save her life from a potentially fatal middle ear infection.  This extreme procedure removed the ossicular chain and part of the mastoid bone.  It is rarely performed today.  Furthermore, within a few years she experienced a rapid sensorineural hearing loss in her right ear.  Judi has been legally deaf ever since.  Finally, she has worn hearing aids for over 40 years. And most people that meet her socially have no idea she has hearing loss!

Learning to Practice from the Bottom Up

Judi entered the hearing health care field as a patient care coordinator. In this role she learned a great deal about patients and their challenges. Moreover, she often found herself providing assistance not included in her job description. Patients began to rely on her help to be successful. Finally, she decided to become a licensed provider.
Judi is a licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist and National Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences. In addition, she is a certified Dementia Care Practitioner.
Judi relates to her patients as patient peers, and then as their hearing health professional. Moreover, she believes that hearing is an art beyond the hearing aids. 

Therefore, coaching in communication skills and social strategies is very important. But auditory retraining and brain fitness are also important. Finally, hearing aids may be an important first step towards a whole new world. But Judi encourages her hearing aid patients to move forward. Welcome the adventure ahead to better hearing with understanding!
Independent of her dispensing practice with patients, Judi is Hearing Coach and co-founder at The Hearing Partnership™. In the public health perspective, she is a “professional patient” and can be considered a hearing health care Clinician Community Health Worker. In addition to being severely hard of hearing herself, she is a practicing clinician who employs many CHW approaches in her hearing health care practice. The Hearing Partnership™ project is allowing has allowed Judi opportunity to share her personalized approach with many more patients and other hearing health professionals beyond her clinical practice. For example, we worked with the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to help patients beyond our service area.

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